November 26, 2004

Stripper Shortage Rumours not True According to experts the rumours aren't true, Canada does NOT have a stripper shortage. *phew* I was worried there for a moment...

June 16, 2004

Woman's Guide to Peeing Standing Up It appears that social conventions and conditioning has forced women to sit down while urinating. more inside

May 13, 2004

Curious George I'm having some problems with customs charges that i don't want to pay. I bought an item on ebay and it had to cross the boarder into Canada. Anyone know any loopholes on how I can get out of this? more inside

April 26, 2004

The Toronto Subway Song As Toronto celebrates the 50th anniversary of the TTC, which includes Canada's first subway system, sit back and enjoy this little ditty courtesy of the excellent CBC archives For many Torontonians the TTC (Toronto Transit Commission) is a part of our daily lives; taking the streetcar, bus or subway is second nature. Although the Toronto subway may not be the world's oldest nor the largest we definitely have something to be proud of: its seems to be the only one with a song... more inside